When working with DBT and declarative scheduling a...
# integration-dbt
When working with DBT and declarative scheduling and one downstream is upded every 15 minutes - the other one daily. The 15 minutes one pulls in an upstream dependency which is also used by the daily one. How can I prevent to update the daily one every 15 minutes by the reconciliation sensor - but rather only do this daily?
hi @geoHeil! would it be correct to assume that the upstream daily dependency is representing some sort of partitioned dataset (even if that partitioning is not represented in dagster)? and what sort of data is upstream of that node?
Probably yes - though it is more an workaround. It is basically an events table which is updated frequently
see PM
👀 1
@owen could you confirm the bug? How do we move forward here?
hi @geoHeil -- I believe this issue was fixed in
(last week's release), are you able to confirm if you're still seeing this behavior on the latest version?
I just upgraded. No, it does not seem to be fixed. The other branch is still triggering
see PM for details
seems to be fixed in 1.2.3 finally - thanks