Hey guys, why is this a problem for an asset argum...
# ask-community
Hey guys, why is this a problem for an asset argument? Can't Dagster support Unions for type checking?
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError: Problem using type 'upath.core.UPath | pathlib.Path' from type annotation for argument 'test_path', correct the issue or explicitly set the dagster_type via In().
mind sharing your code snippet?
Here is my InputManager - it simply returns the asset path (is there a better way of doing this without loading the actual asset?)
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class RawUPathInputManager(UPathIOManager):
    def dump_to_path(self, context: OutputContext, obj: Any, path: UPath | Path):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_from_path(self, path: UPath | Path, context: InputContext) -> UPath | Path:
        extension = context.metadata.get("extension", "")
        path = path.with_suffix(extension)
        assert path.exists(), path
        return path
And then I'm just trying to use it in my asset:
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train_path = SourceAsset(
    key=["ar-resp", "df_train_seq"],

        "train_path": AssetIn(
            asset_key=["ar-resp", "df_train_seq"],
            metadata={"extension": ".parquet"},
            dagster_type=path_like,  # had to create this DagsterType
def model(
    train_path: UPath | Path   # <- here is the error
) -> dict: