a lot of the links seems to be dead regarding log...
# ask-community
a lot of the links seems to be dead regarding loggers, for instance the link to the list of builtin loggers as well at the link to the json logger https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/logging/loggers#
does anyone have any experience with changing the default logger? i am outputting logs in docker and then to journald, and for some reason most logs have level error even though they aren't . also i'd love for each log entry to be confied as per the motivation in the json logger
also this seems to no longer work:
Copy code
import warnings
import dagster

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=dagster.ExperimentalWarning)
i don't seem to be able to specify a default logger.
please help with logging. how do i specify another default logger?
It seems dagster apparently doesn't fully utilize logging as defined in the loggers if run via dagit/dagster dev - and i therefore couldn't see the logs as expected 😄 this is a bit tedious 😄
however it is a bit annoying that i cannot get the default dagster logs out in another format. - i.e temetry message etc