Hi team, I have some dumb questions please: - What...
# ask-community
Hi team, I have some dumb questions please: • What’s the difference between sensor status Requested vs Started? • We customized the run key when a sensor triggers a job. When we manually trigger a job run via backfill or launchpad, I think the run key still gets applied. I am wondering where the magic happens though?
What’s the difference between sensor status Requested vs Started?
Started means the tick has started to evaluate whether or not to kick off a run, whereas Requested means a run has been requested to kick off (i.e. in the queue to be kicked off soon)
We customized the run key when a sensor triggers a job. When we manually trigger a job run via backfill or launchpad, I think the run key still gets applied. I am wondering where the magic happens though?
mind sharing some code snippets for this?
Thanks Yuhan. For sensor state What does it mean then if we got a bunch of historical sensor states stuck in “started”?
For run_key, within our sensor we have this
Copy code
run_key = f"{self.job_name}:{active_date_str}:{upstream_hash}"
yield self._get_run_request(job, active_date_str, run_key)