Hello, I'm looking for moving my Airflow DAGs to D...
# ask-community
Hello, I'm looking for moving my Airflow DAGs to Dagster Assets/Jobs, and I'm wondering if there is something like Airflow
in Dagster?
we currently don’t have postgrest-pandas integration. this can be done via resources or I/O manager. for example, we have native snowflake-pandas integration (doc) where you can write an asset whose input or output is pandas dataframe, the I/O manager can read and write df from/to snowflake. here’s the concept mapping from airflow to dagster: https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airflow#airflow-vs-dagster-concept-map
for your case, you may do something like, where you customize the `get_pandas_df`:
Copy code
from dagster import asset, Definitions, ConfigurableResource

class MyDBResource(ConfigurableResource):
    conn_id: str
    def get_pandas_df(self) -> Response:

def data_from_db(my_conn: MyDBResource) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return my_conn.get_pandas_df(query)

defs = Definitions(
        "my_conn": MyDBResource(conn_id="..."),
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