I'm having trouble getting a scheduled job to run....
# dagster-plus
I'm having trouble getting a scheduled job to run. I think the main issue is that I wasn't including the
in the
function, which created this job from partitioned assets. I have now fixed this in a new PR and would like to see this job schedule work in this PR's Dagster Cloud Branch Deployment. However, the daily scheduled job tick for 1PM EST came and went but I'm not seeing that the job ran. Do scheduled jobs run in the Branch Deployments? I'm not seeing anything in the docs about scheduled jobs not executing in the Branch Deployments. I would like to see this scheduled job work in this Branch Deployment before merging to production (if possible).
Hi Ryan, schedules aren’t supported in branch deployments. See
on https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/branch-deployments
We do have a new feature for manually evaluating your schedule fn in a branch deployment to verify the results- see the
Test Schedule
button on schedule and sensor pages