Hi team! I am currently working on migrating our e...
# ask-community
Hi team! I am currently working on migrating our extract & load jobs to adopt the concept of software-defined assets (first step towards adopting declarative scheduling with dbt down the road). Our E&L jobs heavily relied on a common set of graphs. We create different jobs using
with different config and resource_defs etc. If I understand the concept correct, each asset/graph-backed-asset is supposed to be unique and has a unique identifier/key. Do I have to convert the following graph
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def batch_mongo_graph():
    data = extract_mongo_op()
    validated = deserialise_json(data)
    df = validated_to_dataframe(validated)
    load_redshift_batch(df) // another graph executing commands to load data from s3 to redshift
to something like
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def mongo_extract_load_asset_one():
    data = extract_mongo_op(start=job_is_defined)
    validated = deserialise_json(data)
    df = validated_to_dataframe(validated)

def mongo_extract_load_asset_two():
    data = extract_mongo_op(start=job_is_defined)
    validated = deserialise_json(data)
    df = validated_to_dataframe(validated)
How do I specify run time configurations of the graph assets and also how do I turn them into jobs?
One more follow up question, can we turn graphs that do not return anything into graph-backed asset? I tried:
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asset_one = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(...)
asset_one_job = define_asset_job(name='asset_one')
defs = Definitions(
I am getting this error:
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dagster._check.CheckError: Invariant failed. Description: All leaf nodes within graph 'batch_mongo_graph' must generate outputs which are mapped to outputs of the graph, and produce assets. The following leaf node(s) are non-asset producing ops: {'load_redshift_batch'}. This behavior is not currently supported because these ops are not required for the creation of the associated asset(s).