Where should I store my custom launch runners? Rig...
# ask-community
Where should I store my custom launch runners? Right now I store it in
but this cannot be found as a module.
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dagster._check.CheckError: Failure condition: Couldn't import module CustomDagsterFiles when attempting to load the configurable class CustomDagsterFiles.NomadRunLauncher
here’s the deployment architecture diagram: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/overview run launchers usually are not co-located with the dagster project itself. do you mind sharing your high-level structure so we could further assist.
Thanks! I have a dagster project running in a single docker container. I want to spawn my jobs with Nomad (an orchestration tool). I have no errors importing the file anymore but it is not being used as the actual RunLauncher. Even though i specified it in dagster.yaml
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  module: workflows.NomadRunLauncher
  class: NomadRunLauncher
    nomad_url: <http://test.nl|test.nl>