Weekly Release Highlights: 1.2.2 :sparkles: :keybo...
# dagster-releases
Weekly Release Highlights: 1.2.2 ⌨️ List or materialize assets from the CLI with
dagster asset list
dagster asset materialize
🥐 [database-io-managers] assets can depend on a prior partition of itself 🐍 Dagster now supports Python 3.11 More about integrations: ❄️ [dagster-snowflake] fixes a bug caused by roles and making schemas that already exist ✏️ [dagster-dbt] Show your dbt metadata as Dagster metadata with
🛞 [dagster-k8s] Run Kubernetes jobs with more than one pod Experimental changes: 🔑 Add
to sensors and schedules 🎁 Try out the future default behavior of
What was your favorite change in this release? React to this message with its emoji!
✏️ 5
🥐 4
🐍 11
❄️ 1
🎁 3
⌨️ 1
🛞 3
🔑 8
kubernetes 1
🗡️ 1
Nice! Are there already some examples for node_info_to_definition_metadata_fn in the docs?