When using `dagster dev`, is the temporary directo...
# ask-community
When using
dagster dev
, is the temporary directory path available as an environment variable? I want to use a duck db database for local testing, but the database file is created in the project root so persists after exit the process
I understand that setting $DAGSTER_HOME gives it a permanent location, but if you leave it unset then the output is redirected to a temp dir. That's good, but unless I've just done something stupid then the DAGSTER_HOME variable remains empty so you can't point at this for the outputs. I'm currently using
next(pathlib.Path('.').glob("tmp*")) / 'storage/temp.duckdb'
, which works but doesn't seem super robust
Hi! What do you mean by:
the DAGSTER_HOME variable remains empty so you can't point at this for the outputs.
once you have the $DAGSTER_HOME set, it would first create an empty
and then you can configure the storage location there: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/dagster-instance#dagster-storage
Sorry, to clarify, I want the database to be ephemeral. When I run dagster dev, the temp directory being created is really useful, but any files I instantiate (like a new database file) need to be under that directory if I want them to be cleaned up when dagster dev exits
@Matt Clarke i think you could probably write a small shell script that uses
and sets
inline with running
dagster dev
Ooh, that's a shout. Cheers!
👍🏾 1