Following the Tutorial to Deploy on Dagster Cloud ...
# dagster-plus
Following the Tutorial to Deploy on Dagster Cloud via CLI but I am getting this error on the deployment step:
Copy code
ValueError: No pre-built wheel was available for Logbook 1.5.3.
| Successfully built the wheel Logbook-1.5.3-cp311-cp311-macosx_13_0_arm64.whl from the sdist Logbook-1.5.3.tar.gz but it is not compatible with the requested foreign target abbreviated platform cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.
I was hoping this would work as I have not made any changes on my side. How can I get this to deploy so I can start build some of my own Pipelines to test?
Hi Adam, can you try adding the following flag to your build command
. You will need to have docker installed locally. Looks like one of the transitive dependencies cannot be built on macos and this flag will build all dependencies within a docker environment. The command should fallback to the docker environment automatically but it appears this specific case is not handled. We'll work on fixing the fallback logic.
Thanks so much. I will give it a try now and see if it solves the problem
Let us know if it worked!
It has worked. Thanks so much for the assistance!
👍 1