Hello :wave: is it possible to have time-based par...
# ask-community
Hello đź‘‹ is it possible to have time-based partition with greater granularity than
? I’d like to poll an endpoint every 5 minutes for updates. I don’t actually need the partition to be on 5 minute intervals. If I can create a schedule that runs every 5 minutes but writes to the current hour’s partition, that would suffice. However, it looks like the partitions don’t get created until after the end of the interval (e.g. 3pm partition is only created after 4pm).
Not all of what you’re looking for, but the
parameter might be useful? https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/partitions#dagster.HourlyPartitionsDefinition
Hmm interesting…so I can set an
and the prior hour’s partition would cover the previous hour up to the end of the current hour? Nice, I’ll give it a try! 🙏