Is it possible to stop a dagster job that is runni...
# ask-community
Is it possible to stop a dagster job that is running via "execute_in_process()" using a RunID ? If the job is running via Dagster-UI/Dagit, then I can send a POST-request with a "TerminateRun" GraphQL json-payload
Copy code
mutation TerminateRun($runId: String!) {
      terminateRun(runId: $runId){......}}
to e.g. http://localhost:3000/graphql But if the job is NOT run via Dagit/Dagster-UI, and is run via "execute_in_process()", then the URL e.g. http://localhost:3000/graphql is no longer valid, and hence I cannot make a POST request. Thanks
Hmm, I don't believe so because there is no Dagster Run ID associated with it. Would you be able to kill the pid for the Python processes itself?
Thanks, we will find alternate workarounds to this issue (e.g. as you suggested, kill the pid for the Python process)