This has certainly been discussed before, but coul...
# ask-community
This has certainly been discussed before, but could you give me some effective arguments of why we should use Dagster instead of Airflow? I'm already convinced (the only downside that I see is that Dagster misses RBAC), so it's more about convincing the stakeholders in my company. I have done a practical course on Airflow and am currently getting my hands dirty with Dagster, so I would love some powerful examples or example use cases where Dagster is more user friendly than Airflow.
you may have already found this, but our blog has some good long form content about different dagster features, building out specific use cases, and other things. Some posts that might be of interest: dagster vs airflow etl pipeline in dagster dbt + declarative scheduling building a datalake with dagster + duckdb this goes over a relatively simple project, but we also have a dbt + dagster tutorial here’s a guide to an example project that uses a lot of different dagster features [guide][code] the guides section may also have some useful information for you. It leans a bit more technical, but could help answer some “how do i do X?” questions
Thanks a lot for the reference Jamie! I read through some of the guides, but they are a bit hard to understand in depth without actually getting to try things out (which I am in the process of doing now, though).
This looks really good. I have not actually seen this before!
yeah - the guides are definitely for more advanced usage, but can be a good reference once you have a handle of the basics and want to answer specific questions!