Hi Team, Does dagster support user code deployment...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi Team, Does dagster support user code deployment in a different namespace? I am using dagster version 1.2.0.
Hi Mukul! I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “different namespace”. Can you describe what you’re trying to set up a little more?
@prha I am trying to install the dagster components like daemon, UI, runlauncher in a dagster namespace and for user code in a user namespace. Basically a control plane and data plane environment.
I think you would need to set up your grpc servers in one namespace and allow network access from the dagster namespace: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/code-locations/workspace-files#running-your-own-grpc-server
@prha Thanks for your information. I am able to achieve it. Meaning, my usercode is deployed in another namespace, and as you mentioned, I did that using exposing the grpc service. But for this, I also need to define some cluster-level roles to provision the jobs to the user namespace. I was wondering how would I do it if I have my user code deployed to an outside cluster/another cluster.