Does the daemon responsible for the code-location ...
# ask-community
Does the daemon responsible for the code-location when running
dagster dev -m ...
intentionally periodically refresh? i notice the logs keep repeating as if the code location is being refreshed, is there any way to suppress this to only refresh when user explicitly requests a reload (e.g. via the UI)
hey @Clement Emmanuel what logs are you seeing repeated?
Copy code
2023-03-22 08:02:55,285 INFO [] Started Dagster code server for module code_locations in process 78498
There is a good amount of processing that happens to generate the assets in our `Definition`(which ideally only happens once) and i can see all the logs associated with that also repeating after the above line
ok cool. checking with the team to see if this in intentional or a bug
🙏 1
Hey Clement - you can control this more explicitly by running your own gRPC server separately:
Then dagit and the daemon will access that server, and you can choose when to shut it down and restart it - but if you don't do that, there isn't currently a way to manage the reload behavior
I see so in this case do i also need to the spin up dagit and the dagster-daemon separately myself or can i still use the
dagster dev
and configure it somehow, though i don't really see an option so maybe not
You can still use dagster dev with a workspace.yaml file
(that points at an external gRPC server)
Ah gotcha