Hi everyone! I'd like to materialize my dbt assets...
# ask-community
Hi everyone! I'd like to materialize my dbt assets (I use bigquery as a backend) and output the final result into a GCS bucket. I see that the new bigquery integration allows me to write custom sql queries / import from gcs into bq but not the other way around, so I was wondering if there was a way to do it and keep my data lineage. Thanks in adv
the bigquery integration has a resource that just wraps the BigQuery client. you could potentially use that in conjunction with the GCS resource to move data from bigquery to GCS within an asset
Thanks, that implies that I should be using GCS as IO manager right ? and not bigquery ? (or should I use both?)
i think you would use both. Kinda hard to say for certain without knowing more about your use case, but you could do something like this
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def my_bigquery_asset() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # this return is stored using the bigquery io manager
    return pd.DataFrame({"foo": [1, 2, 3]})

def my_gcs_asset(my_bigquery_asset)-> pd.DataFrame:
    # my_bigquery_asset is loaded using the bigquery io manager

    # this return is stored using the gcs io manager
    return my_bigquery_asset + 1

defs = Definitions(
    assets=[my_bigquery_asset, my_gcs_asset],
        "bigquery": bigquery_pandas_io_manager,
        "gcs": gcs_pickle_io_manager
got it, here's my use case : I have tableA materialized in bigquery using DBT, and I want to have it materialized in GCS . The thing is I don't want it to be loaded in memory as a pandas as it can be really big
ok in that case you could do this
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dbt_assets = # code to load the dbt assets

    required_resource_keys={"bigquery", "gcs"},
def my_gcs_asset(context) -> pd.DataFrame:
    bigquery = context.resources.bigquery # this will be a google.cloud.bigquery.Client()
    gcs = context.resources.gcs # this will be a google.storage.client.Client()
   # code using bigquery and gcs clients to move the dbt table from bigquery to gcs

defs = Definitions(
    assets=[my_gcs_asset, **dbt_assets],
        "bigquery": bigquery_resource,
        "gcs": gcs_resource
will make
depend on
, but it will not load the table in memory. Then you can use the two resources to move the table
Thanks, I think the bigquery client already have a method to move tabls from BQ to GCS. I still have one more question though, how can I get the metadata such as project name/collection name/table name of from my DBT upstream asset using this method ? a hacky way would be to declare everything in a static way but if there's another way I'll take it
you might be able to attach the dbt resource to the asset and inspect the configuration of the resource or get some of the info that way. i’m not super familiar with what you can get from the resource, but that’s one place to start
I actually find a way without using the
, by simply implementing a custom IO manager using Bigquery client. Thanks for your help!
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