Is there a possibility in the UI to see all error ...
# ask-community
Is there a possibility in the UI to see all error level logs from runs? In the console I saw that some of the runs logged errors (but still succeeded). I would now like to pin point which runs exactly did so...
hi @moritz are you trying to view the error logs for a particular job that failed, or are you looking for a page that shows all error logs for all jobs and allows you to then link to the run that produced the error logs?
More the latter. The jobs don't actually fail but simply send some messages to
. I have a rather large number of these jobs and was wondering if there is an easy way to identify the runs that did emit error messages.
in the error log output there might be run info in the error message itself. for example a debug message like this
Copy code
2023-03-23 15:52:49 -0400 - dagster - DEBUG - __ASSET_JOB - b8c6d17f-984d-45e2-9d2a-21916bcac7f9 - 85351 - RUN_SUCCESS - Finished execution of run for "__ASSET_JOB".
tells you the job name and run id
__ASSET_JOB - b8c6d17f-984d-45e2-9d2a-21916bcac7f9
should be the same in error messages
Yeah, I can definitely scrape it from the raw log messages. Since I don't have anything handy attached like ELK in local development, I was just curious if there is a way to see all log messages of a particular job (invoked by multiple run requests via a sensor). It doesn't look like there is which is totally okay. Probably a very fringe use-case.