Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or something...
# deployment-kubernetes
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or something's buggy, but I'm trying to run a backfill with
tags to adjust the resources for all pods. I see the resource adjustment show up on the
pod, but it doesn't propagate to the pods for each step
this is the tag as it appears in the run config:
dagster-k8s/config:{"container_config": {"resources": {"limits": {"memory": "1.0Gi"}}}}
Hey Charlie - setting that tag at the @job level doesn't actually propagate to each step - we went back and forth about whether it should, but landed on that you might actually want quite different resources for the run worker and individual steps
ah ok
so there's no way to set a run config for multiple partitions right?
like on this modal, there isn't a shift+click option
I don't believe so, yeah