Hello, I am getting this error when using celery_k...
# ask-community
Hello, I am getting this error when using celery_k8s_job_executor for executing Jupyter notebooks as an op using Dagstermill op definition.
dagster._core.errors.DagsterSubprocessError: During celery execution errors occurred in workers:
[test_dict]: dagster._serdes.errors.DeserializationError: Deserialized object was not expected type <class 'dagster._core.events.DagsterEvent'>, got <class 'dict'>
Error Screenshot
Are you by chance on a team with https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1679487314949989 or did you guys run in to this separately
I’m curious about the name
, is that just you trying to debug this
What dagster version is this?
Ah I believe I have a fix for this. I suspect your step is writing to stdout with a line that parses as json? E.g. just
, or a whole object? Celery-k8s does some hacky parsing of stdout from steps that might be picking that up. Putting up a fix
👍 1
@johann Yes! we are a team. Currently, we are running on dagster 1.2.2 on EKS
@johann Is https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/13143 the fix you are talking about? If yes! Will this be included in next release?
That’s the planned fix yep. Likely to be in the release next week. Would you be able to confirm
I suspect your step is writing to stdout with a line that parses as json? E.g. just
, or a whole object?
its a very simple notebook that we are executing. Cell1 --> declare 2 variables a=1 b=2 Cell2 --> print above 2 variables print(a,b) that is the complete notebook
The fix went out in 1.2.4 yesterday
thanks @johann I will test and confirm