Hello, I'm using the dagster-duckdb-pandas integra...
# ask-community
Hello, I'm using the dagster-duckdb-pandas integration per this doc. In the
{"io_manager": duckdb_pandas_io_manager.configured({"database": "my_db.duckdb"})}
, it appears "my_db.duckdb" path is relative to the current script. But how do I specify a path that is located completely somewhere else? I tried
"database": {"env": "DUCKDB_DB_PATH"},
where the contents of my .env file is just
, but I got an error message saying it couldn't find the database file because it was looking at
. So it appears it is appending the value in my DUCKDB_DB_PATH environment variable to the path of the dagster script file. Not sure if this is a bug or I need to specify the location of my duckdb database file in a different manner. Also, I think the default schema for duckdb is "main", not "public". Maybe that needs to be changed in the documentation also?
hey @Daniel Kim as far as i know the db should be able to create databased stored in other paths. For example, in our unit testing, I’m able to store the db in a tmp_path by doing
Copy code
"database"; os.path.join(tmp_path, "unit_test.duckdb")
I inspected the test and
Copy code
which is definitely not the path where the test file is. maybe try joining the path with the os library to see if that makes a difference? what OS are you running? that might also make a difference. As for
- all of our database io managers share a default schema name, which is
. so if the schema isn’t set by the user, we manually set it to
Thanks! Im using Windows. Using pathlib did the trick for me. Thank you!