Can we use green celery k8s executor with cloud? W...
# dagster-plus
Can we use green celery k8s executor with cloud? Was looking into it yesterday, but I could only find documentation for the self-hosted version. The cloud helm chart doesn’t appear to have the config options referenced?
We don’t currently support this in the cloud helm chart- I don’t think it would be a huge lift to add though. Are you primarily interested in it for global op-level concurrency limits? (And of course the celery workers would be hosted in your cluster)
Yeah that’s really the motivation for using it
With GKE Autopilot, you’re restricted to a max total number of resources per cluster, so it’s possible for Dagster to overload it with requests
That causes it to try to scale up when it can’t and starts killing pods
Got it - there’s also been some discussion lately about supporting our own celery-less global op limits, we don’t have a specific timeline yet for when that would be ready though
Cool, i think that would be preferable to having you to worry about celery as well, but let me know if that’s added to the cloud helm chart in the meantime