Hi, I see that there is now the possibility to lau...
# ask-community
Hi, I see that there is now the possibility to launch backfills that materialize a partition range in a single job. This is incredibly valuable to avoid destroying the parallelism when using a large spark cluster. Is there a way to do the same with a dynamic partition definition? It would be really useful to materialize a given partition set within the same job is there an open issue I can follow for this kind of feature request? Is it something you are already working on?
Hi Marco. This is possible when the selected dynamic partitions are a contiguous subset of the partitions def. You can click the "single run" button in Dagit to launch a range as a single run:
Thanks @claire, that is really interesting, can you point me to the details in the docs? I also have a further question, is it possible to launch a job that materialize such partition range programmatically possibly within a schedule? Is there an example in the docs?
This discussion has more details, and I commented an example of how you can programmatically kick off a run across a partition range in a schedule: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/11653#discussioncomment-5493977
@claire just on that example, (struggling with coming up with the right words here). how is a partition range defined, it's obvious for numbers and dates/times. is it a sorted copy of the partitions? say my partitions are ['cat', 'dog', 'mouse', 'zebra'] could I do dog to zebra (i.e. dog, mouse, zebra)?
after having a poke through the code, the likely issue will be my extensive use of dynamic partitions and the fact they are sorted by id and not value 😕
ah, so a valid partition range is any contiguous subset of partition keys when
is called. For static partitions defs that would just be any contiguous subset of the list of partition keys provided, for dynamic partitions defs, the order is the order of creation