Hello - we deployed a cron change to some schedule...
# dagster-plus
Hello - we deployed a cron change to some scheduled jobs a few minutes ago, and to our surprise runs were created for those jobs! One of the cron changes was from 5:40am pacific time to 5:50am pacific time, and the run was created at 7:14am pacific time. There is a tag matching the schedule name and no
tag, so these were system generated; it does not seem like the schedule should have fired; any ideas why this happened?
Hi Leo - could you link to the unexpected run and we can take a look in our logs?
sure! will DM.
Thanks - I see what happened here. The scheduler algorithm is to start with the time of the last scheduler tick (or the time the schedule was turned on if there are no ticks) and find the next time that satisfies the cronstring - so changing the cronstring in code caused that to find 7:50 from yesterday instead using that algorithm. I'll file an issue for this, thanks for the report (we should have the clock 'start over' every time the cronstring changed, as though you turned the schedule off and then on again) As a workaround in the meantime, turning the schedule off before making a cronstring change would prevent this from happening.
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