Hello, I'm just getting started with Dagster and ...
# ask-community
Hello, I'm just getting started with Dagster and am wondering if its possible to use dagster to run code on another machine (which is on the same LAN), potentially another instance of Dagster. E.g. After an op/graph is finished, I'd like to immediately trigger an op/graph that must run on a different machine. Thanks! Rohin
Hi Rohin - Dagster has executors that support executing each op on a different machine: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/executors#executors
Got it thank you! I did see this but none of the existing executors seem to match our use case, and I didn't see any examples of how to write our own Executor. Are there any examples or sample code for writing your own executor? Thanks!
Alas we don't have great documentation on this - you would need to look at the implementation of one of the existing executors
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