Hello guys, thanks for your support here. I have a...
# ask-community
Hello guys, thanks for your support here. I have a question please. I want deploy a multi-container ochestration platform, that includes a gRPC code server container, dagit and dagster daemon container. In the documentation there an example of such deployment, in which the gRPC Code server serves only one file (repo.py) for dagit and dasgter daemon on port 4000: CMD ["dagster", "api", "grpc", "-h", "", "-p", "4000", "-f", "repo.py"] In my gRPC Code server I have multiple repositories in their separate python files and I don't want to put them all in one python file for organization purposes. Can I server all the repositories in a workspacefile.yml file instead one python file? : CMD ["dagster", "api", "grpc", "-h", "", "-p", "4000", "-w", "workspace.yml"] So it would be the workspace file fron the dagit container refering to the gRPC server, which itself servers a workspace file with multiple repositories. Would this work? I have not tried it yet. I just want to get informed first. Thanks
Hi Yassine - this isn’t currently possible unfortunately, right now the server needs a single Python entry point - the repositories don’t need to all be in one python file though, the entry point can import them from other python files or modules
Hi Daniel, thanks for the response!