Hi All I am using dagster version: 1.2.4 I had add...
# ask-community
Hi All I am using dagster version: 1.2.4 I had added :
Copy code
      log_level: ERROR
in my dagster.yml file to log error, but when I run dagster I am getting error:
Copy code
Error 1: Received unexpected config entry "loggers" at the root. Expected: "{ code_servers?: { local_startup_timeout?: Int wait_for_local_processes_on_shutdown?: Bool } compute_logs?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } event_log_storage?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } instance_class?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } local_artifact_storage?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } nux?: { enabled?: Bool } python_logs?: { dagster_handler_config?: { formatters?: { } handlers?: { } } managed_python_loggers?: [String] python_log_level?: String } retention?: { schedule?: { purge_after_days: (Int | { failure?: Int skipped?: Int started?: Int success?: Int }) } sensor?: { purge_after_days: (Int | { failure?: Int skipped?: Int started?: Int success?: Int }) } } run_coordinator?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } run_launcher?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } run_monitoring?: { cancellation_thread_poll_interval_seconds?: Int enabled?: Bool max_resume_run_attempts?: Int poll_interval_seconds?: Int start_timeout_seconds?: Int } run_retries?: { enabled?: Bool max_retries?: Int } run_storage?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } schedule_storage?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } scheduler?: { class: String config?: { } module: String } schedules?: { num_workers?: Int use_threads?: Bool } secrets?: { custom: { class: String config?: { } module: String } } sensors?: { num_workers?: Int use_threads?: Bool } storage?: { custom: { class: String config?: { } module: String } mysql: { mysql_db: { db_name: (String | { env: String }) hostname: (String | { env: String }) password: (String | { env: String }) port?: (Int | { env: String }) username: (String | { env: String }) } mysql_url: (String | { env: String }) } postgres?: { postgres_db?: { db_name: (String | { env: String }) hostname: (String | { env: String }) params?: { } password: (String | { env: String }) port?: (Int | { env: String }) scheme?: (String | { env: String }) username: (String | { env: String }) } postgres_url?: (String | { env: String }) should_autocreate_tables?: Bool } sqlite: { base_dir: (String | { env: String }) } } telemetry?: { enabled?: Bool } }"
Any thing I am missing?
Hi Shailesh - the
configuration is an option that's available for configuring job runs, but dagster.yaml is a configuration file for your Dagster instance. Here's docs on how to set a log level across your instance: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/logging/python-logging#configuring-a-python-log-level-
👍 1