Hi all. Can you use branch deployments when still ...
# dagster-plus
Hi all. Can you use branch deployments when still in trial mode?
Hey Joe, absolutely - you just need to set up an agent that's configured to serve requests for your branch deployments, you can see how to do that here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/branch-deployments#setting-up-branch-deployments
(it can either be a single agent that handles both regular deployments and branch deployments, or two separate ones)
Daniel, thanks for the quick response earlier. I also noticed that Elementl is the team behind Dagster Cloud, so I hope you don’t mind me asking direct follow-up questions. I didn’t see any official support through Dagster Cloud’s web interface, so I’m assuming that’s the intent behind the public slack workspace. I made my way through most of those docs yesterday, with several other issues I’ll post in a separate thread. I used the quickstart-dbt repo as a starting point. My GH action appears to run correctly as shown in screenshot 1, however I’m not seeing any branch deployments as shown in screenshot 2. I asked my question here because the “new deployment” button is greyed out and I wasn’t sure if that’s related to branch deployments, and I needed to do something there first. Obviously there’s a lot of moving parts here, and I’m making my way through understanding them, but as it stands I would imagine this should “just work.” I left the GH action log collapsed since I didn’t comb through it yet to see if there were secrets in the log, but if there’s something of interest there please lmk.
Did you trigger the Github action by sending out a pull request?
If so, do you see a View in Cloud link as a comment in your PR like in the screenshot here? https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/branch-deployments#accessing-a-branch-deployment If you don't see that and there's no branch deployment in the UI, logs from the github action might help explain what's happening. The "New deploynent" button being grayed out shouldn't affect branch deploymnets
Funny you ask, because I was originally getting an error about the comment when I was trying to do this with a custom docker image. I figured I’ll try it using the pex deployment, just to see if I can get it working. I did change the
to run on any push to my branch, shown here:
Copy code
name: Serverless Branch Deployments
  # pull_request:
    # types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, closed]
      - "branch-deploy"
which I changed based on the regular deployment shown here:
Copy code
name: Serverless Prod Deployment
      - "master"
My production deployment works, so that’s why I tried to mimic it. Perhaps there’s something different about the branch deployment yaml I haven’t noticed, so I will try changing that to kick off on the pull request (although I certainly had that originally), to see if there’s any difference. Thanks again for your help, but being on EST I will have to follow up tomorrow! Thanks again and I’ll also follow up tomorrow with the error I’m seeing when using the custom docker deploy.
Just wanted to follow up here. This is now working, although I have several closely related questions I’ll start a new thread for. Thanks again!
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