Hi there, when I try to run `dagster dev` I get th...
# integration-airbyte
Hi there, when I try to run
dagster dev
I get the following error
/home/byteuser/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dagster/_core/workspace/context.py:591: UserWarning: Error loading repository location hillsg_dagster:dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError: "src_airtable__hg_data_entry/sub_learning_areas" is not a valid name in Dagster. Names must be in regex ^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$.
Looking into it, the Stream name for an Airbyte connection with Airtable is
I can't control the stream name, this is how Airbyte resolves the Base/Table name with the Airbyte connector. When the table is created in the DB, it changes "/" to "_". Any idea how can I work around this issue?
Ran into something similar dagster airbyte doesn't respect the changes airbyte does to naming of special characters in field names either.
You might want to pass a custom _`connection_to_asset_key_fn`_ when loading assets?
Hi @Adam Bloom, how would the custom function look? The table db names are: src_airtable__hg_dat__ry_sub_learning_areas src_airtable__hg_data_entry_absence_groups This is what I got for now..
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airbyte_assets = load_assets_from_airbyte_instance(
Hi @Ohad, were you able to find a solution to this issue?
Unfortunately not @Hiroto Yamakawa pleas let me know if you do find a solution for it 🙏
Did you explore adding a custom mapping function? I don't see why that wouldn't work for your case. I'm not using one myself, so I don't have an example, but I'll link you to the default one if you haven't looked at that already
The default is just using the table: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-airbyte/dagster_airbyte/asset_defs.py#L505-L507 if you just wanted to replace the
with another valid character (i.e.
), you could use
lambda _, table: AssetKey(path=[table.replace('/','_')])
The first argument to that lambda is additional metadata if you want to use it in your asset keys.
🙏 1
Great idea. Thanks, I’ll give it a go.
@Ohad the only way I was able to do it was as follow:
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from dagster_airbyte.asset_defs import _clean_name

def connection_to_asset_key_function(meta, name):

    for item in meta.stream_data:
        item['stream']['name'] = _clean_name(item['stream']['name'])
    return AssetKey([meta.name, name])
and then in
( a file from the package):
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def parse_stream_tables(
    self, return_normalization_tables: bool = False
) -> Mapping[str, AirbyteTableMetadata]:

    for stream in enabled_streams:
        name = _clean_name(cast(str, stream.get("stream", {}).get("name")))
that way, the files with rejected charaters were loaded into Dagster
🙌 1
the modification in
is actually enough, since stream parsing happens first. I guess this would need a PR
I would be happy to open it, my first OSS contribution
Thank you @Hiroto Yamakawa for sharing this, and it would be great if this could be merged into dagster_airbyte 🙏
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