Hi All, we recently published a blog how we scaled...
# community-showcase
Hi All, we recently published a blog how we scaled our metrics computation engine for experimentation using our in house Metrics/Semantic Layer at DoorDash. Dagster was heavily used to orchestrate and manage our computation pipelines. https://doordash.engineering/2023/04/12/using-metrics-layer-to-standardize-and-scale-experimentation-at-doordash/
doordash 4
D 1
daggy love 7
this is awesome, thanks for sharing Arun!
thankyou 2
great blog! thanks so much Arun!
thankyou 1
hey @Arun Kumar - would you be interested in talking through this at the next Remote Community Meetup? I think this is really share-worthy
Hey @Dagster Jarred, yeah sure. When is it happening?
Exact hour is still getting settled but it would be morning PST June 13, let’s connect on DM!