Hello folks! Sorry to bother you. Me and my team ...
# dagster-plus
Hello folks! Sorry to bother you. Me and my team are having some trouble with dagster serverless. We were using the free trial. It expired and our agent was turned off. Understandable. However, we have added payment methods and everything and the agent is now stuck for over 20h in "activating" state. I've tried redeploying, but did not work. I also tried searching the web, but could not find anything... Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Hi João - I can get that back up and running for you. Sorry about the disruption!
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No worries. Thanks for the quick reply. Do you need any info about the account? Agent Id?
Nope - I have it all. It should be spinning back up now.
Is there an explanation? Or did we trigger some weird state by redeploying the application as soon as we added the billing info?
Asking because I am curious... Not mad. Hehe
It’s less fun than that unfortunately - you correctly surmised that we spin down the serverless agent after the trial ends (plus some grace period). But we haven’t actually automated the reactivation process. It’s on our roadmap but until then, it just takes a few manual steps on our end to stand it back up. “Do things that don’t scale” and all that 😄 Sorry about the delay! Looks like it’s up again now.
No worries. Completely understandable! Your product is amazing and it is working nicely in our startup's workflow
Confirming here that it is back up and running 🙂
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