Weekly Release Highlights: 1.2.7 :sparkles: :party...
# dagster-releases
Weekly Release Highlights: 1.2.7 โœจ ๐Ÿฅณ UI changes for partitions, ex. a new page for backfills and asset graph updates ๐Ÿงท UI is further optimized to support more assets and jobs ๐Ÿ› New guides on limiting concurrency and customizing run queue priority More about integrations: ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ [db-io-managers] I/O managers now follow the Pythonic resource system ๐Ÿ” [dagster-gcp] BigQuery resource now accepts auth creds as configuration Experimental changes: ๐Ÿ Lots about the new Pythonic config and resources system! ex. improved error messages, resources showing up in the UI/search, etc. What was your favorite change in this release? React to this message with its emoji!
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Yay! Very exciting. Where can I find more info about the
integration changes?
Hey Bennett! @jamie were there any doc changes for these? ๐Ÿ˜
Docs have been largely migrated to using the new set of APIs (there will be a couple fast follows in docs and integrations in the next few releases if itโ€™s not in 1.3.0). Weโ€™re currently releasing 1.3.0, so the docs site should be refreshed with the new APIs later today. Meanwhile, you can find the most recent docs on docs.dagster.io/master for example this snowflake tutorial is using the new
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