After upgrading to `1.2.7`, Dagit started recogniz...
# dagster-feedback
After upgrading to
, Dagit started recognizing non-partitioned assets as partitioned when materialized from the launchpad (shift+click on materialize)
Hi Daniel - we’re having some trouble reproducing this on 1.2.7, any chance you’d be able to share more details about the assets where you’re seeing this?
what kind of details? The non-partitioned asset is used as input to a partitioned asset
The ideal would be code that reproduces, but I’ll make sure that we have tried that
well ok.. I can't provide a reproducible example right now as I'm busy, but I can have a short call with you and show my existing code, would that work?
we can try a bit more with that information first - this was an upgrade from 1.2.6?
Here is the asset (you can see it doesn't have partitions) and the result of shift-clicking it
tagging in @sean who was attempting to reproduce this earlier
Perhaps I had this asset partitioned before... I don't remember exactly, I think most likely it wasn't partitioned, but maybe worth checking this case. It certainly isn't partitioned now (and was not partitioned on 1.2.6)
hmm so I believe i am reproducing this now, but I'm also reproducing it on 1.2.6 (and 1.2.4). We'll definitely get it fixed either way but are you certain yours only started happening in the release yesterday? My repro is pretty simple:
Copy code
from dagster import DailyPartitionsDefinition, Definitions, asset

def my_non_partitioned_asset():
    return 4

def my_daily_partitioned_asset(context):
    return 6

defs = Definitions(assets=[my_non_partitioned_asset, my_daily_partitioned_asset])
(any additional QA is entirely optional, by the way - thank you for reporting and we're also happy to just take it from here)
Filed a bug here with my understanding of the problem: - the good news is you can ignore the warning and hit Confirm and nothing bad will happen
I think I started getting this bug after 1.2.7. I'm not very certain, but it seems like it.
Go it - we'll get it fixed either way
❤️ 1