Hello everyone ! Would you know if it's possible t...
# ask-community
Hello everyone ! Would you know if it's possible to run a gRPC server by not using a given .py file but, like for the cmd
dagster dev
being able to use the
? So having a commanding like that:
Copy code
dagster api grpc --workspace myproject/workspace.yaml
My need would be to use the same process with
dagster dev
dagster api grpc
(but perhaps I misunderstood something in this page) Thanks !
Hey Justin - this isn't currently possible because a gRPC server maps to one code location / Python environment, and a workspace.yaml can contain multiple code locations. It should be possible to map each line in the workspace.yaml to a single
dagster api grpc
call though. I don't totally understand your use case, can you elaborate?
Thank you for your answer Daniel ! So I could do sthg like
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dagster api grpc --python-file docker/file1.py, docker/file2.py, docker/file3.py
My use case is to use always the same source of truth, and so to have everything in
so if I want to do the same in my gRPC server I don't "forget" anything as I would have been running this file, and not added manually in my query all files it should run
If you're running your own grpc server I would expect your workspace.yaml to look something more like this: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/code-locations/workspace-files#initializing-the-server
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  - grpc_server:
      host: localhost
      port: 4266
      location_name: "my_grpc_server"
dagster api grpc
can only take one --python-file argument - since it only corresponds to a single code location
(similar to how each entry in the list of code locations in the workspace.yaml file can only take in one python_file argument)
Oh ok I understand better what you meant ! In fact my
is more like this for now:
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  - python_file: testPipeline/assets.py
If that's the case i'm curious why you want to run your own grpc server - with a workspace.yaml like that, dagit will do it for you
I already have a dagit running and want to have the possibility to add new pipelines running in different dockers (because of python versions and to avoid dependencies), but it's not impossible that I misunderstood something haha
But I'm not the one who did it I'll ask my friend what he exactly has in mind ! Perhaps I misunderstood what he did and what I'm saying is complete gibberish
you can point dagit at a grpc server that you're running separately, but if you do, the entry in workspace.yaml would need to say
Just so you know what we did is the k8s deployement (I know just this)
(or it won't know how to find the grpc server that you're runnign separately)
Oooooh !
Ok that's clear
Thx for your help !
condagster 1
@daniel Hello ! We are trying to deploy dagster (dagit + grpc server) using your provided Helm Charts, and as we have multiple dagit deployments to manage, we wanted to use the
option (is there any other way?) That’s why we need to understand how to run grpc server. The project’s structure is quite common I think :
Copy code
├── README.md
├── batchAPIs.py
├── batchPipeline
│   ├── Dockerfile.prod
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── batchPipeline
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   ├── assets.py
│   │   ├── resources.py
│   │   ├── run_pipeline.py
│   │   └── testDynamicAssets.py
│   ├── batchPipeline_tests
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── test_assets.py
│   ├── pyproject.toml
│   ├── schedules
│   │   └── schedules.db
│   ├── setup.cfg
│   ├── setup.py
│   └── workspace.yaml
├── ...
└── requirements.txt
And to launch a user deployment using your helm, as I understood, we need to launch
dagster grpc api <parameters>
do you have an idea on the parameters I need to specify to launch the server ?
Max can you make a new post for this question? Our support oncall will be able to help you out
Ok thank you very much ! (I thought it was easier to understand regarding if I posted in this thread to have the context)