Hi, I have been developing an internal data pipeli...
# ask-community
Hi, I have been developing an internal data pipeline using daster. Ths project includes several internal projects maintained by other teams. To make life easy in deployment and maintenance, I separated dagit UI and actual dagster code in separate docker containers. Dagit UI loads a list of jobs through ``grpc_server`` defined in ``workspace.yaml` and the code is loaded in a separate container using ``dagster api grpc`` One issue I faced is that ``location_name`` field in ``workspace.yaml`` does not seem to behavior as what I expected. Based on dagster documentation, the ``location_name`` field is used to distinguish multiple code locations in case that there are. For a single code locataion, when I specified the job name as ``location_name``, it works fine. Then, I changed the location_name to something else other than ``job_name``, it failed to load code. Is this expected? Another issue is that when multiple jobs from a Defintions object need to be loaded , what do I need to specify in ``location_name``? Documentation says that users can specify a custom location name. I tried to put "test_job" or some thing sles. But this does not seem to be working. A workaround I found is to drop ``location_name`` from the ``grpc_server`` section of the ``workspace.yaml``. This loads all jobs successfully. But I see a warning in the terminal which bothers me. Does anyone have an insight on these issues?
Hi Dong - this does not sounds expected. What error are you seeing when it fails to load your code?
I am seeing ``gRPC:UNAVAILABLE `` in the first case when it fails to load. For the second case, ``gRPC Error code: UNAVAILABLE`` is thrown out when I drop ``location_name``. But all jobs are loaded successfully in both ``dagit`` and ``dagster`` containers. I confirmed by running ``dagster job list`` as well as in the dagit UI.
Can you post an example workspace.yaml that reproduces the first issue? And maybe the full stack trace of the error in the first case?
@daniel Sure, I will get those for you
i wouldn't expect location_name to matter at all for whether or not the code is able to load - I suspect something else may be going on here
That is my suspicion too
if you reload the code location in dagit, does it load?
i'm wondering if the issue might be that the code server is taking a bit to start up, and dagit tries to access it before its loaded
Before, dagit complained grpc unavailable. But I cleaned up all dangling docker images and rebuild images.
Yes, dagit loads jobs now.
So, this is simply a matter of timing issue; dagit trying to access the code server before it is ready.
that sounds right - believe you can add a depends_on to docker-compose to make it wait
the daemon should automatically reload it every minute or so
That makes sense to me. Thanks Daniel
condagster 1