Good afternoon! I am upgrading some old code from ...
# ask-community
Good afternoon! I am upgrading some old code from Dagster 1.1.7 to 1.2.6. In doing so, i am encountering an error and not seeing an obvious solution. Any help would be appreciated!
Could not resolve the metatdata value for "schema" to a known type. Value is not JSON serializable.
I have tracked the code down a bit, and I believe this is happening within in Dagster. There seems to be a normalize_metadata function that is verifying the types of the AssetOut metadata parameters. I have debugged it to find that the culprit is the object
schema: {'link': str}
I thought that str was an acceptable metadata type according to, so I am confused as to why i am getting this error. Any help would be appreciated!
hi @stefan hansan! thanks for the report -- we're looking into this
Great, thank you! Please let me know if you can think of a workaround for the time being so i can get my unit tests to pass 😅
gotcha -- this behavior is due to a bug that will be fixed in this week's (1.3) release. so the best solution for now may be to downgrade to an earlier dagster version 😞
🌈 1
All good, thanks for the info!