Hello, I have described dbt_project.yml as follows...
# integration-dbt
Hello, I have described dbt_project.yml as follows and used a custom schema. • dbt_project.yml
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  modelA:  # project name
      +schema: B
Asset is automatically loaded in Data Lineage as follows. • data asset
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I am having trouble linking the modelB side and the materialization of the Data Lineage, although I am doing dbt runs daily and materializing at the same time as follows.
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dbt_output = context.resources.dbt.run()
        for materialization in generate_materializations(dbt_output):
            yield materialization
This is because the “node” in the dbt_output output results in model.modelA.model_a_table, model.project.model_b_table and therefore will be materialized as model.modelA.model_b_table. Is there a good way to tie the materialization of the results from the daily dbt run to the data lineage?
Note : that manual materialization works fine.
hi @Aki Iwa! based on what you've shared here, it seems like you're using some combination of
and a custom dbt run op. In most cases, this is not necessary, as you can directly create a job to materialize the assets you've loaded with
. There are some examples of that here: https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/dbt/reference#scheduling-dbt-jobs, but the basic idea is that you can create a job to materialize some or all of your defined assets using
define_asset_job("my_job", selection=...)
. This means you can remove the op/job where you're calling
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dbt_output = context.resources.dbt.run()
        for materialization in generate_materializations(dbt_output):
            yield materialization
and instead rely on the built-in implementation provided by the asset integration
thankyou bow 1