would be great to have "reload definitions" availa...
# dagster-feedback
would be great to have "reload definitions" available when e.g. a job is selected, instead of having to navigate to the "Assets" menu 🙂
💜 1
Slight extension to this, when using
dagster dev
the assumption is things will be changing a lot so it would be nice to have reload definitions be available globally in that case
Hello Rasmus, I'm using reload button at the button of the left panel to reload definition (works if a single location is selected, if multiple locations, I click filter button then reload button next to the job location). I don't know if that would work for your usecase.
Hey there! Thanks for the feedback. Hot/live reloading is something that we've been wanting to implement. I'll bring it back to the team that more users are interested in it.
FWIW if you install your dagster project as a python module with
pip install -e .
than in many cases the definitions will hot reload without any button pressing