# dagster-feedback
is giving me 404. The site says I should report this using a "Share Feedback" button but I can't find any.
IIRC this is an old guide from before the 1.3.0 release. If you really need it, you can access it from the 1.2.7 version under https://docs.dagster.io/1.2.7/guides/dagster/automating-pipelines The newer method using `AutoMaterializePolicy`s lives under https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/assets/asset-auto-execution
@erin looks like the old discontinued guide is still showing on the sidebar
Thanks for the reply!
Ty! I’ll take a look
🌈 1
Hey folks! We pushed out a fix for this a little bit ago - have confirmed it's working as expected. Thanks for the report!
👍 1