Hi. Question regarding billing. We are currently u...
# dagster-plus
Hi. Question regarding billing. We are currently using Hybrid Cloud with ECS Fargate. When we use ECS Fargate, there is an overhead until the process starts (I am referring to the time for image pulls, etc.). Would this overhead time be included in the billing? (May be, this question could be replaced with "RUN_ENQUEUED" or "RUN_START" in the dagster cloud's execution log.)
Compute time is measured in milliseconds of run-time for each step within a job, excluding time for infrastructure activation. Every billing cycle, we aggregate the total run-time across all of those steps and round down to the nearest whole minute.
Thank you. I had read this FAQ, but was not sure if "excluding time for infrastructure activation" includes ECS Fargate, so I asked the question. Also, I was wondering why the "Cumulative minuts" displayed in the dagster cloud usage does not match the sum of the execution time.
If you have any insight as to why this is not the case, please let us know.
Sorry, probably solved. I see, so the billing is not the execution time of the JOB, but the execution time of the STEPs in the JOB. There was a part where steps were processed in parallel, so there was inevitably a difference between the execution time of the JOB and the result calculated as billable. Please point out if my understanding is incorrect.
I believe your understanding is correct here