Just tried to upgrade to 1.3.1 and got the followi...
# ask-community
Just tried to upgrade to 1.3.1 and got the following error: Exception ignored in: <function GrpcServerProcess.del at 0x00000237CF519F70> Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1288, in del if not self._shutdown and not self._heartbeat: AttributeError: 'GrpcServerProcess' object has no attribute '_shutdown' Known issue?
👍 1
Hi Chris - was there another error before this? I don't think this was the root cause, looks like an issue cleaning up after some other problem
I see this but nothing else: Stack Trace: File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_core\host_representation\grpc_server_registry.py", line 194, in _get_grpc_endpoint server_process = GrpcServerProcess( File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1217, in init server_process, self.port = _open_server_process_on_dynamic_port( File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1153, in _open_server_process_on_dynamic_port server_process = open_server_process( File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1124, in open_server_process wait_for_grpc_server(server_process, client, subprocess_args, timeout=startup_timeout) File "c:\users\1138247\git\cbm+\d4-orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1058, in wait_for_grpc_server raise Exception(
Is there an error message just before that stack trace?
here is the whole dump, is the problem simply the warning? 2023-04-25 085822 -0500 - dagit - INFO - Using temporary directory orchestrator\tmpimw24em6 for storage. This will be removed when dagit exits. 2023-04-25 085822 -0500 - dagit - INFO - To persist information across sessions, set the environment variable DAGSTER_HOME to a directory to use. 2023-04-25 085847 -0500 - dagster.builtin - INFO - Executing command: dbt --no-use-color --log-format json ls --project-dir orchestrator\orch\assets\dbt\example --profiles-dir \AppData\Local\Temp\tmpoc3unx_6/example --select * --output json 2023-04-25 085854 -0500 - dagster.builtin - INFO - dbt exited with return code 0 2023-04-25 085908 -0500 - dagster - INFO - Started Dagster code server for package orch on port 54246 in process 29968 2023-04-25 085953 -0500 - dagster - INFO - Shutting down Dagster code server for package orch on port 54246 in process 29968 Exception ignored in: <function GrpcServerProcess.del at 0x00000237CF519F70> Traceback (most recent call last): File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1288, in del if not self._shutdown and not self._heartbeat: AttributeError: 'GrpcServerProcess' object has no attribute '_shutdown' orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_core\workspace\context.py591 UserWarning: Error loading repository location orchException gRPC server exited with return code 0 while starting up with the command: "orchestrator\.venv\scripts\python.exe -m dagster api grpc --lazy-load-user-code --port 54246 --heartbeat --heartbeat-timeout 45 --fixed-server-id d754c185-73c6-4ae4-930c-da4dbbd69eef --log-level info --inject-env-vars-from-instance --instance-ref {"__class__": "InstanceRef", "compute_logs_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "LocalComputeLogManager", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\\storage\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.local_compute_log_manager"}, "custom_instance_class_data": null, "event_storage_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "SqliteEventLogStorage", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\\history\\runs\\\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.event_log"}, "local_artifact_storage_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "LocalArtifactStorage", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.root"}, "run_coordinator_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "DefaultRunCoordinator", "config_yaml": "{}\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.run_coordinator"}, "run_launcher_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "DefaultRunLauncher", "config_yaml": "{}\n", "module_name": "dagster"}, "run_storage_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "SqliteRunStorage", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\\history\\\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.runs"}, "schedule_storage_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "SqliteScheduleStorage", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\\schedules\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.schedules"}, "scheduler_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "DagsterDaemonScheduler", "config_yaml": "{}\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.scheduler"}, "secrets_loader_data": null, "settings": {"telemetry": {"enabled": false}}, "storage_data": {"__class__": "ConfigurableClassData", "class_name": "DagsterSqliteStorage", "config_yaml": "base_dir: orchestrator\\tmpimw24em6\n", "module_name": "dagster.core.storage.sqlite_storage"}} --location-name orch --package-name orch" Stack Trace: File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_core\host_representation\grpc_server_registry.py", line 194, in _get_grpc_endpoint server_process = GrpcServerProcess( File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1217, in init server_process, self.port = _open_server_process_on_dynamic_port( File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1153, in _open_server_process_on_dynamic_port server_process = open_server_process( File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1124, in open_server_process wait_for_grpc_server(server_process, client, subprocess_args, timeout=startup_timeout) File "orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_grpc\server.py", line 1058, in wait_for_grpc_server raise Exception( warnings.warn( orchestrator\.venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\_core\execution\compute_logs.py48 UserWarning: WARNING: Compute log capture is disabled for the current environment. Set the environment variable
to enable. warnings.warn(WIN_PY36_COMPUTE_LOG_DISABLED_MSG) 2023-04-25 085953 -0500 - dagit - INFO - Serving dagit on in process 14132
Yeah, I'm confused by the sequence of logs there, but it looks like the first thing that goes wrong is that your code server is shutting down immediately on startup. Try running this command locally: "_orchestrator\.venv\scripts\python.exe -m dagster api grpc --lazy-load-user-code --port 54246"_ The expected behavior is that it spins up a server that keeps running, but it looks for some reason its returning right away
maybe running it locally will help explain why
When I do that it runs without exiting.
strange - any idea what would be different between you running it locally and dagster running the same command in a subprocess? How long does it take to run and say that the server is running?
ok so I reverted back to my original version of 1.1.19 and it is still failing the same way. So must be a problem in the environment. Sorry to waste you time.
no problem - that "Exception ignored" is not expected so we'll get that fixed, even if it wasn't the root cause - so thx for reporting nonetheless
haha happy to contribute
FYI, issue was proxy server interference. Now it runs after upgrade except for this crash which I would love to see fixed. Maybe I should contribute my own fix: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/13512
ah proxy server makes sense!