is it possible to use `__post_init_post_parse__` i...
# ask-community
is it possible to use
in pydantic resources? my use case is that i want to construct a client property on the resource, but only want to supply the secrets. here's what i expect to be able to do:
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from dagster import asset, materialize, ConfigurableResource

class FooResource(ConfigurableResource):
    api_key = "foo"

    def __post_init_post_parse__(self):
        self.client = get_client(self.api_key)

def thing(context, foo: FooResource):

result = materialize([thing], resources={"foo": FooResource(api_key="test")})
The spaghetti I’ve been cooking on my resources that works reasonably well is something like this:
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class UtilsS3IOManager(ConfigurableIOManager):
    class Config:
        extra = "allow"
        frozen = False

    bucket: str

    def s3(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_s3"):
            self._s3 = construct_s3_client()    
        return self._s3
🍝 1
ah, that's great
oi, with the following
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class DatadogApiResource(ConfigurableResource):
    api_key: str
    app_key: str

    def client(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_client"):
            self._client = self.get_client()
        return self._client
i get this:
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidInvocationError: 'DatadogApiResource' is a Pythonic resource and does not support manipulating undeclared attribute '_client' as it inherits from 'pydantic.BaseModel' without extra="allow". If trying to maintain state on this resource, consider building a separate, stateful client class, and provide a method on the resource to construct and return the stateful client.
You need the
class Config
block with the
params as I sent to make sure the Resources aren’t frozen
👀 1
that’s why I referred to it as spaghetti, it’s probably not what the Dagster team would recommend 😄
aah, i totally missed that
You can use PrivateAttr from pydantic for defining internal variables, looks slightly nicer tha hasattr.
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At least you don't need a config class
just my two cents, using the functools.cached_property seems to work pretty well and then you don't have to modify the class yourself
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@Andras Somi this is much nicer! Will change mine to follow this as well
👍 1
cc: @ben
Thanks all for your feedback - we’re considering changing our recommendations around state management in resources and providing corresponding lifecycle methods. An RFC for this change is up here - the PR description goes over the rationale + new patterns. If you have any input please leave it there!
🙌 1