Hello Folks. I'm currently having this issue in ge...
# ask-community
Hello Folks. I'm currently having this issue in getting dagster started up on my machine. I'm currently following this tutorial on deploying dagster on Helm but usually get an error when i run this command. This is the error returned. Can anyone help?
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export DAGIT_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "<http://app.kubernetes.io/name=dagster,app.kubernetes.io/instance=dagster,component=dagit|app.kubernetes.io/name=dagster,app.kubernetes.io/instance=dagster,component=dagit>" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
error: error executing jsonpath "{.items[0].metadata.name}": Error executing template: array index out of bounds: index 0, length 0. Printing more information for debugging the template:
        template was:
        object given to jsonpath engine was:
                map[string]interface {}{"apiVersion":"v1", "items":[]interface {}{}, "kind":"List", "metadata":map[string]interface {}{"resourceVersion":"", "selfLink":""}}
Hi! Let me find someone on the team to help you out with this
Thanks so much 🙏
Hi, if you run 'kubectl get pods --namespace default' without the label filter, what pods do you see?
Hello @daniel this is what i see after running the command.
The pod there that has dagit in the name is the one that that command is trying to export as DAGIT_POD_NAME - so you could use that pod name for now as a workaround instead of using the command
Thanks @daniel. I've been trying to export the pod name using the various commands below and none seems to be valid. can you help please
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export DAGIT_POD_NAME=$("dagster-infra-dagit-7cbf98c8c4-rk4pq") 
export DAGIT_POD_NAME=$dagster-infra-dagit-7cbf98c8c4-rk4pq  
export DAGIT_POD_NAME=$"dagster-infra-dagit-7cbf98c8c4-rk4pq"
I think you can leave out the dollar sign
And the quotes
Thanks that worked.