If we have multiple jobs running in parallel, woul...
# dagster-plus
If we have multiple jobs running in parallel, would we be charged per job-minute, and not per clock minute, when using Standard Cloud? In other words, if we have 2 jobs running simultaneously 24/7 it would be twice as much as a single job running 24/7? From a cost perspective, if we know we're going to be running multiple jobs in parallel 24/7, at what point does it make sense to go with Enterprise (credits) vs. Standard Cloud (pay-as-you-go)?
would we be charged per job-minute, and not per clock minute
correct from the pricing FAQ on https://dagster.io/pricing
Compute time is measured in milliseconds of run-time for each step within a job, excluding time for infrastructure activation. Every billing cycle, we aggregate the total run-time across all of those steps and round down to the nearest whole minute.
if you are going to have things running 24/7 365 then its probably worth considering enterprise
Great, thank you.