Curious the frequency dagit reloads itself? 30 sec...
# ask-community
Curious the frequency dagit reloads itself? 30 sec, 5min? Is there a way to control this frequency via config given this is the case?
Hi! When you refer to reloading, do you mean updating materialization status, run status, etc. or do you mean what is defined (assets, jobs, etc.)? Most of the UI refreshes status every 15 seconds, which you can observe through the timer in the top right corner. The asset graph refreshes every 30 seconds. It's currently not configurable to refresh, but we've had users hack it, and we are considering how/if we want to support this config.
Yes, reloading latest jobs added into a repo. With that said, 30 seconds is reasonable enough.
Thanks for the hack!
adding new jobs or updating the whole Definitions object requires a deploy/manual refresh. New runs for a job, or changes in run status on the overview change update automatically.
got it! I’m currently working on a fun challenge. A user adds a graph to a repo and in the same sequence they attempt to run the added graph all in about < 2 seconds. As expected this graph cannot be found. To handle this I call refresh before the run-id call. The tricky part is all of this has to be async. I can’t block the service waiting for the refresh to finish and I’m finding that the refresh call takes a little longer.. I’ll continue to mess around.. thanks