I was under the impression that `DAGSTER_CLOUD_IS_...
# ask-community
I was under the impression that
is automagically available in cloud deployment. I am running hybrid (cloud + aws). Noticed that its not being set. At least the following is not working as expected
Copy code
def get_current_env():
    # this is a global variable set by Dagster itself
    is_branch_deployment = os.getenv("DAGSTER_CLOUD_IS_BRANCH_DEPLOYMENT") == 1
    assert is_branch_deployment is not None, "DAGSTER_CLOUD_IS_BRANCH_DEPLOYMENT not set"
    return "branch" if is_branch_deployment else "prod"
i.e always returning
Is there a way to verify/confirm this?
My branch deployment works just fine
It might be available in the deployment but not propogated to the place where your code is actually executing
I see. Is there any recommended solution for propagating these env variables to the agents?
The agent should have access - but if you’re using certain executors for example you might need to bring in the env vars to the executing step. What executor is in use here?
Both my agent and executor are based on ECS fargate. When a job shows up, agent launches (+/-) corresponding ECS tasks
facepalm embarrassing. Looks like
is (not surprisingly) serialized as
inside the job. Therefore I need to cast it as integer or compare to
== '1'
. Time to call it a day
lolol no worries - glad it was something easy , wasn’t looking forward to spelunking through ecs docs to figure out how to send that env var over the wire
thankyou bow 1