How can I include custom tests & linting in th...
# dagster-plus
How can I include custom tests & linting in the dagster-cloud branch deployment pipeliens on github? and both use dagster_cloud_build_push which is doing many things at once. I want to build the image, test it (tag it) and then push it (assuming the tests are green). There is an example for gitlab: . there, it would be clear for me how to integrate the testing. But it would be much more convenient if I can use the ready-made dagster github actions plugin but still include testing steps. NOTICE: I am so far still using the old plugin (building the container, testing) and then using the dagster (deprecated old) action to build /push and this is then running into the aforementioned issue that the container is built twice. This is something I want to avoid when re-building the pipeline.
We are actually working on a more modular set of CI actions that separate the image build and the image push, and would allow for an easy "test" step to be added in between I expect these new actions to land next week if you're willing to wait till then
yes - this would be fine
please ping me when they are ready
Yes - to elaborate, the new github workflow will have these steps: 1. prerun (validate dagster_cloud.yaml. test authentication to dagster-cloud, create branch deployment if necessary) 2. checkout 3. build (here you will use in your own docker build, test and upload steps) 4.
dagster-cloud ci set-build-output
(update the build session with the image tag from step 3) 5.
dagster-cloud ci deploy
(update dagster-cloud to use the new images) We are also planning to merge the full and branch deployment ymls into a single yml file. Does this sound like something that will work for you?
dagster punk
excellent, i'll ping you next week when this is ready to try out.
🌈 1
@Shalabh Chaturvedi is it already ready?
Hi @geoHeil - these have not landed yet and we're working on resolving some corner cases that have popped up in our testing. Here is a sample of what the new workflow looks like: This handles both full and branch deployments. If you want to try it out this code should work but is running from a branch
which will need to be replaced later by something like
. If you take a look and have any feedback on the structure, please let us know.
let me see if I find time early next week
Update: if you want to try this out here is a working example of the new workflow: We will be updating our docs and in the next few days. Note that: 1. One yaml file implements both branch and full deployments (it detects if it is running in a PR) 2. One job deploys multiple code locations. Previously we had a matrix with one job per code location. The new pattern allows reusing a single docker image for multiple locations, or at least reusing the local docker build cache. The above example deploys two code locations and uses a different docker image for each. 3. The
is directly in your control. You can use any image tag you want as long as you specify it in the
step for each code location.
Where would the tests go? seems to already push the image? How can I first build the image, run the tests and then push it if tests succeed and also include layer caching (docker buildx build --cache-from/--cache-to)
The build/push step uses the standard
push: true
since that's a common pattern. You can replace it with three steps: build, test, push. An example is in the standard docker github docs here:
For layer caching, you would add the
to the same action. example from these docs:
Copy code
name: Build and push
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
          context: .
          push: true
          tags: user/app:latest
          cache-from: type=gha
          cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
This is a good point - we will add the
parameters in our example since it is usually recommended.