if anyone wants to have a look in there and point ...
# ask-community
if anyone wants to have a look in there and point out incorrect stuff, or give feedback, it’s appreciated.
Hi Axel! This probably belongs in feedback channel #dagster-feedback To be honest, I don't think the dagster documentation is that bad. It has improved a lot since the earlier days when they used the cereal examples which I was not a fan of. I took a break from dagster due to the fast pace of API changes and was waiting for the moment when it would appear to reach steady state. I think verison 1.3, especially with the new Pythonic configuration syntax, is probably a good time as ever to pick up dagster again. So this is where I am at right now. As for your blog. To be honest, I could not follow it or maybe it is the format or flow of your blog that I am not used to. What did help me tremendously with recent versions of Dagster is Pete Hunt's video tutorial at its accompanying blog post https://dagster.io/blog/dagster-script-to-assets. Would love to see a follow-up one where partitions are covered in detail. Partitioning in Dagster is an area I've been fuzzy on. Instead of waiting for dagster team to come up with more resources on partitioning, I did try to learn in a more "get my hands dirty", trial-n-error sort of way by coming up with my own use case https://github.com/pybokeh/dagster-partitioning-examples. I think I am understanding how dagster handles partitioning, but I know I still have lots to learn.
if you have more concrete feedback why you could not follow, that would be helpful. otherwise it’s maybe just different things for different people 🤷🏼‍♂️
@Daniel Kim this example is helpful. If you haven't already, it would be cool to post it in #dagster-showcase I filed https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/14036 based on what you wrote about partition_expr DuckDB. Aside from that and the issue you raised about start_date, do you have other suggestions on parts of the documentations that we could improve?
cc @Tim Castillo who is thinking about our next partitions example