What is the best way to create a new dagster proje...
# ask-community
What is the best way to create a new dagster project if I also want to use poetry? I'd like to use
dagster project scaffold
, but this depends on dagster already being installed, which I want to manage with poetry. If I try creating a new project using poetry first (
poetry new project-name
), then the
will have missing config required by dagster. Thanks in advance for helping this noob out!

Here's a video example

from @Odette Harary that shows how to make the poetry env first, installing dagster into there, and then scaffolding the project afterwards. Would this help?
Thanks, I have been following this but I'm still a little confused. If I follow this approach, then
poetry run dagster dev
will complain about my
not being configured properly.
Here's the specific error message that I'm seeing:
to my
appears to have resolved the issue. Not sure if there is any additional config that I'm missing out on by not using
dagster project scaffold
Hmm, glad you figured it out, but I'm curious because I just tried it out and this sequence of commands worked for me:
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poetry new test
cd test
poetry add dagster dagit
dagster project scaffold --name dagster-poetry-test
cd dagster-poetry-test
dagster dev
Granted, I can see how if you bump the dagster code back up to the poetry root directory, that error would happen
Thanks for the follow up here. Let me try your example and see what happens.
The scaffold doesn't do anything special, so if you move the generated Dagster project back up to the parent directory, update your
to reflect that
block you mentioned, then you should have both the scaffold and poetry on a flat(ter) directory structure, matching more of what you intended
This is very helpful. The flatter directory structure is where I was running into trouble. I was able to follow your example and things are running ok. I'll keep experimenting with getting things working in my preferred flat project structure. Thanks again!
👋 Hi I was running into this same issue of wanted to set up Dagster and Poetry from a commong
file. The code you shared for the nested directory structure worked just fine. But every time I try to “flatten” the structure and pull everything into one
file I get this error:
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Could not load location check_providers_pipeline to check for sensors due to the following error: dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: No repositories, jobs, pipelines, graphs, or asset definitions found in "check_providers_pipeline".
All I did was add this section to the
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module_name = "check_providers_pipeline"
Then a
file with a single generic asset function. I’ve tried several variations and still run into the same error. Googling around, I can’t find anyone else running into this same error. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?