I have a k8s PVC that I need mounted for some jobs...
# ask-community
I have a k8s PVC that I need mounted for some jobs. The id of this PVC depends on the environment. Currently I set this with the
tag in the
definition. In an ideal world, I could query kubernetes for the list of matching PVC's and update the job definition at runtime so it mounts the right PVC for the environment (or if it has been updating dynamically by some other system). Is there a way to have this set dynamically at launch time?
I don’t think there’s a way to set this dynamically other than by writing a custom run launcher that subclasses K8sRunLauncher which is not trivial If this job is being launched from a schedule or sensor, those could set the dagster-k8s/config tag value in the RunRequest that’s returned from the schedule or sensor function
It looks like I would also be able to do this through the graphql interface if I had a separate service initiating the run via
by setting
, does that seem right?
Yeah that would also work!
Great, thank you for all of your (continued) help!
condagster 1
Hello! Got stuck in a similar situation. When i add the k8s tag in the @job everything runs alright. When I override it in the sensor i get this error:
Copy code
dagster._check.CheckError: Value in Mapping mismatches expected type for key dagster-k8s/config. Expected value of type <class 'str'>. Got value {'container_config': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '42', 'memory': '243G'}, 'requests': {'cpu': '42', 'memory': '243G'}}}} of type <class 'dict'>.
apparently the type check of tags is different for when you set it through the @job or via a RunRequest. Any ideas on how to overcome this?